Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Shannie: What does partly mean?
Mom: it's kind of like halfway.
Shannie: but what does it meeeaaaan. i wish you could hear inflection in script, this attempt was the best I could do

She says that a lot.  things like "sounds like, it reminds me of, or kind of like" don't work for her.  She likes specifics

Mom:  It means a little bit of something and a little bit not  I know brilliant right
Shannie: Ohhhh  Thinking about it...

Shannie:  Like in the morning before you've had your coffee... your eyes are partly awake?
Mom: Ha, exactly.

Shannie:  And then in the night after my bath I'm partly naked when I'm just wearing a towel?
Mom: yup, you've got it.

Shannie:  And after I've had dinner but before dessert, I'm still partly hungry?
Mom:  I think you've figured it out.

Shannie:   Or when I've done something bad but it's a little bit funny, you are partly mad and party laughing?
Mom:  Yes, like that

Shannie: Can i tell you a joke?
Mom: sure... curious as to how this relates
Shannie:  Don't worry, it will be partly funny.. 

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